Fishwick Papers: The "Chicken Chicken Chicken" Edition

Alrigh' guvna? Shine ya shoes for ya guvna? Mind ya car for ya guvna? Provide a series of intrestin' links n' ideas for ya guvna?This week has been really enjoyable! Things are just about to start winding down (a little bit?) at work, and I've been able to do some fun researching and writing, which I'll hopefully be able to share soon. I've started watching Miss Sherlock, which is great, and I recently played Grace Bruxner's Haunted Island game, which I highly recommend - it's very funny, and accessible even/especially if you don't normally like videogames.Have a lovely weekend, don't forget to send your friends to to get them to sign up, and I will see you next week.Much love,jim xoxoxoxoxoxox(xoxoxoxo)


Extended Viewing

Messy Collision


R.I.P. Vine of the week