Fishwick Papers: The "Flip Reverse It" Edition

Hey there you beautiful genius,I'm just about to leave work and head to the airport, to go to Sydney for the weekend (and teach some impro workshops, if you're interested!). It's been a fairly hectic week, as the Melbourne Comedy Festival is gathering steam, and ACMI just opened our new Wonderland exhibition (which is gorgeous; you should go see it). It's really interesting to see an exhibition opening while we're just getting stuck into the research for our exhibition, which won't open until the end of next year. It's a useful reminder that at some point there will be a physical place and people will go through it - it won't always be spreadsheets and research. Finally, as we approach the anniversary of John Clarke's death, here's a wonderful write up about him and his impact.

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Aight, time to go. Thank you as always for subscribing, for reading, for replying, for suggesting, and for sharing with your friends. I couldn't do this without you. Well, I could, but it would be utterly emotionally draining and purposeless. Thankfully it's not!Have an amazing weekend, old sport.I LOVE YOU BYEjim x