Fishwick Papers: The "Kitchen Sink" Edition

GREETINGS FRIENDS!Thank you for indulging me in a break last week. I had a delightful extended weekend up near the Gold Coast for my friend Steph's wedding. The amazing thing about the Gold Coast airport is that it's maybe a three minute drive from the beach, which means that you can, as we did, be at the beach less than an hour before your flight leaves. That was great fun. But, as promised, it does mean that this week's edition will be twice as long to make up for the absence last week.At work recently I had reason to look into artworks that deal with surveillance. As we're preparing our new major exhibition about everything in film/tv/games/digitalculture/art, we knew we wanted to say something about surveillance culture, but with the view of interpreting it through art, not just explanatory text. And I found some nifty things! I've included a couple of them here - I'll save a few of them for future weeks.The other big news is that I'm on secondment at ACMI for three months. I'm moving sideways to another team that puts on exhibitions (but isn't focused on the renewal project I was working on before). I'll be working on lots of small things so I get a better feel for how ACMI runs. The first thing I'll be doing is updating our Games Lab, which means I'm currently researching and testing video games. Life is hard.

Surveillance Art

Reel to Real

Pretending to be Ourselves

The British

Music Songs to Listen

Don't Trust The Internet

What's with militarism


R.I.P. Vine of the Week

Also R.I.P. Vine of Last Week

Well that's it for the first bumper edition. How did you find it? Too much? A goodly amount? Let me know! You can reply to this email to send me any feedback (or suggestions). You can send your friends here to sign up (and please do!), and you can find an archive of previous emails there too.Have a great weekend, and I'll see you soon.With all my heart,Jim Fishwick xoxoPS. If you're in Melbourne, I'll be performing in Wild Card on Saturday. Come along!